Marzia Kjellberg (Marzia Bisognin): biography, net worth, wife, children, age and news

Marzia Kjellberg (Marzia Bisognin): biography, net worth, wife, children, age and news

Marzia is known on YouTube simply as Marzia (formerly CutiePieMarzia), a video blogger from Italy. Her videos focus on fashion, beauty, make-up, and shopping.


Marzia Kjellberg biography (Marzia Bisognin biography):

She was born on 21 October 1992 in Vicenza, Italy. Marcia has loving parents: Marciano Bisognin and Frankie Bisognin. She also has brothers and sisters. And one of her brothers (Davide Bisognin) is also a blogger on the YouTuber platform.


Marzia Kjellberg YouTube:

CutiePieMarzia is one of the most popular beauty and make-up channels (over 16 million monthly viewers). Also, Marzia’s channel is the most popular Italian YouTube channel. Her channel received more than 2.2 million subscribers in 2014. Her videos are most often viewed by girls between the ages of 13 and 24. Marzia refers to her subscribers with the word “marzipans”.

The success of her channel has allowed her to start designing her own clothes. In 2014, she designed the “Daisy” shoes with Project Shoe. Bisognin is a member of Maker Studio’s subnetwork platform.


Marzia Kjellberg BIO:

  • Date of birth: 21 October 1992
  • Place of birth: Vicenza, Italy
  • Nationality: Italian
  • Height: 166 cm
  • Weight: 56 kilos
  • Eyes colour: Light Brown
  • Hair colour: Dark Brown
  • Activities: video blogger


Marzia Kjellberg net worth (Marzia Kjellberg net worth 2022):

If various sources are to be believed, Marzia Kjellberg’s net worth is approximately $36 million.



Are PewDiePie and Marzia married (Marzia Kjellberg boyfriend):

Marzia Kjellberg is married to well-known YouTube blogger Felix Kjellberg (PewDiePie).


Marzia wedding ring:


How long have Marzia and Felix been together (when did PewDiePie and Marzia start dating):

Marzia first saw the PewDiePie video at the suggestion of friends, who advised her to watch that “idiot playing computer games”. She started dating Felix in 2011, after writing him an email saying she thought his videos were funny. After that, the girl went to Sweden. A little later, they both moved to Italy.


Marzia Kjellberg kids:

The couple has no children yet.


Marzia Kjellberg age (Marzia Kjellberg birthday):

Marzia Kjellberg was born on 21 October 1992 in Vicenza, Italy. He is now 33 years



Marzia Kjellberg nationality:

He is Italian by nationality


Marzia Kjellberg tattoos (Marzia Kjellberg tattoo):

Marcia Bisonin has, so far, about 22 known tattoos.


Marzia Kjellberg height (how tall is Marzia Kjellberg):

Marzia Kjellberg is about 1.66 metres tall



Marzia Kjellberg subscribers 2022 (how many subscribers does Marzia Kjellberg have):

The Marzia Kjellberg channel now has around 7+ million subscribers.


What does Marzia do now:

The girl founded mai_accents and co-founded tsuki_market.



Why Marzia quit YouTube:

The news of quitting YouTube, came rather unexpectedly. Marzia told her subscribers that living on YouTube had taken a heavy toll on her mental health. In the now deleted video, the girl spoke about her difficulties, stating, “I have never experienced such difficulties… I didn’t want to leave the house. She then decided to quit YouTube completely and take her life into her own hands.


Marzia Kjellberg social network:

Marzia Kjellberg Twitter:


Marzia Kjellberg Instagram:



Marzia Kjellberg News (what happened to Marzia Kjellberg):